Whether you’re new to the industry and just wondering how to get started or you’ve been creating proposals for years and you’re always trying to find “that one write-up you created for that one proposal,” it’s never a bad time to organize your marketing materials!

We’ve talked before about the necessity of generating, maintaining and following up on leads. It’s a marketing task that requires daily and ongoing activity to ensure your firm is well-positioned to secure new work. While the internet makes finding project and client leads easier, the amount of information a marketer can find in a manner of seconds can be overwhelming. IMS is a leader in advance notice public leads specifically for architects, engineers, and construction management professionals.

We got lost in marshmallow-y thoughts this week thinking of Rice Krispie Treats—September 18th is the national day to celebrate them, after all!

As we continue to adapt to the new paradigm, we must adjust to the limited ability to meet face to face, while remembering how important this activity is to creating a longstanding relationship. Here are six suggestions for pivoting and making the most of your business development efforts.

Google My Business or GMB, isn’t just nice, it’s essential for any growing business. A current, optimized, efficient, clean, original GMB listing can instantly build or improve your online reputation. 

A 35-year AEC industry veteran, Nancy Wolthuis has regularly used podcast discussions of macroeconomic issues for market forecasting and planning. If you don’t like the study of economics before listening, she promises you will after.

Written by entrepreneur and performance psychology expert Joshua Medcalf, Chop Wood, Carry Water is a short and easy read with great lessons and examples. “For me, it was much more effective to read and learn from the boy’s experiences than to just read about the lesson and what needs to be done to improve,” explains Daryl. “I like seeing the application and learning the ‘why’ behind the principle.”

Now more than ever, knowing how to conduct online training is a must for marketing and management staff. In these times of uncertainty, firms must be nimble in the ways they pursue their long-term strategic planning goals. This means providing your professionals with the right tools to keep them on track to meet overall marketing and new business development goals and objectives. Most of these tools can be provided through training and coaching, so you'll want to be at the top of your game with for training online.

The MARKETLINK team has had the privilege of working from home for quite a few years. Our staff members have always worked remotely, and we have definitely tried everything in the book to figure out the best system. If this experience is new to you and your firm, here are some of our suggestions that might help you get—and stay—on track.

“Make Your Bed” shares ten principles, each illustrated through a story. The book stresses accomplishment, teamwork, leadership, kindness, and inspiration. 

Whether you’re a marketing coordinator looking to build your knowledge base and enhance your skills or a firm principal looking to build connections that will lead to business opportunities, the hundreds of resources available at smps.org are at your fingertips.

One way to lift your spirits and keep you going every day might be to download Motivation - Daily quotes, a free app for iPhones.

We’ve all heard the adage “the best way to get somewhere is a straight line,” but author Rich Christiansen suggests otherwise. Christiansen is an entrepreneur who has founded or cofounded more than 30 businesses. Some of them were colossal failures, others were multi-million-dollar successes.

Social media is a jungle. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a guide? Social Media Examiner is a great resource for all things social media.


The Real Simple podcasts offer four separate topics to appeal to any listener’s taste: Labor of Love, Things Cooks Know, Adulthood Made Easy, and I Want To Like You. Just like the magazine, the podcasts give smart and reasonable solutions for everyday challenges.

Julie Ertz, a member of the USWNT’s back-to-back World Cup-winning teams, shares her experiences from chasing her dream of being a professional soccer player, and the themes translate for all goal-pursuers – soccer and otherwise.

We’re crushing on Lynda. Well, Lynda.com, that is. For someone looking to develop technical skills, this LinkedIn Learning product has a plethora of options from which to choose.

Interested in doing something good for the body and soul that doesn’t require running shoes, a gym membership, or scheduling an appointment with a therapist? Try being grateful! Here at MARKETLINK, we’re implementing a 10-day Gratitude Challenge. 

In this holiday season, many of us take more time to be grateful and to express our gratitude. If this idea appeals to you but you need a prompt to remember to record your daily moments of appreciation, try being grateful with Grateful: A Gratitude Journal app by treebetty.

AEC Marketing Fundamentals | Your Keys to Success is part of the recommended reading for the SMPS Certified Professional Services Marketer exam. The book overlays emerging innovations in marketing with fundamental concepts around AEC marketing.

If you're like us, your most fond memories of Halloween are hustling from house to house to get as much candy as possible. Much like trick-or-treating, the “ask and ye shall receive” philosophy works in business, too.

There’s nothing MARKETLINK Principal Stephanie Craft loves more than a challenge. That’s probably why she loves market research so much. “I become a detective! There is information out there I’m trying to find and I love the challenge of figuring out how I’m going to find it.”

Excel spreadsheets, workflowy lists, and back and forth emails, move over! If you’re looking for an app to keep everyone in your organization on the same page, we suggest Asana. Asana is a simple yet powerful work management platform full of features that project managers of all types need.


Mary Abbajay's Managing Up: How to Move up, Win at Work, and Succeed with Any Type of Boss offers practical tips and real-life examples readers can apply to manage up, down or sideways.

MARKETLINK Principal Keri Hammond is a party planner of sorts. What Keri plans is how a company can create or shift its strategic vision to achieve goals, exceed revenue expectations, and bring different departments together for the improvement of the whole. It may sound intense, but for her, it is a party.

Loom is a useful tool to help your team communicate, simplify, and document everyday tasks by recording whatever is happening on your screen and sharing it.

Whether you call it internal marketing, marketing mentality, or creating a culture of rainmakers, it’s a straightforward concept critical to the AEC industry: Training and motivating client-contact employees and support staff to work as a team to ensure client satisfaction.

Working in marketing for the AEC industry, you have undoubtedly been confronted by – or are yourself considered – the grammar police. (You know who you are.) Want to avoid that embarrassing moment when one of your colleagues catches a subject-verb agreement error or a sentence fragment?

Business leaders who'd like to move from good to great will find inspiration in Jim Collins’ famous book, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't.

As a founding Principal of MARKETLINK, Stephanie Craft knew a solid client relationship would give the business the initial footing it needed to thrive. She found it in Architectural International.

Find the best day and time for your next AEC team meeting or proposal kickoff! Doodle can be helpful with coordinating your AEC marketing and business development teams, architects, engineers and contractor colleagues.  Doodle allows users to schedule meetings seamlessly or choose their favorite options in a group without the back and forth of a group text.

Creating templates for your AEC proposals is very helpful in streamlining your pursuit efforts, and crucial for meeting deadlines. Over the past 30 years, we have learned some valuable lessons in AEC proposal strategy and development. Learn our top six tips for an effective AEC proposal template.

Winning business and building credibility through presentations is no joke. Much like a standup comedian, presenters hoping to show their stuff must prepare wholeheartedly beforehand, know how to best present to their audience, and set the stage with visuals.

To celebrate MARKETLINK’s Sweet 16, Principals Stephanie Craft and Keri Hammond present the 16 (sweet) reasons they love the A/E/C industry.

In any proposal, the project approach is likely the most important section – it is the place you get to tell the client exactly what you are going to do to make their project a success. In order to write a successful strategic approach, you must research and brainstorm and then brainstorm some more. The writing is the easy part!

Chip Allen specializes in architectural photography, and he understands the importance of high-quality photography to his AEC clients. “In an interview, I want my client’s prospective client to say ‘wow!..... I’d like you to build me an interior or building like this!’”

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