Put the work in and use your business network to get started on market research. It pays in major dividends.

Factor the AEC industry into marketing and business development and you have a far more complex set of processes than anyone expected.

Little does more for public relations than a sponsorship, which networks, supports the industry, and advertises simultaneously.

"Stuff We All Get," or SWAG, is a major form of branding that goes a long way.

Joining and getting involved in associations—local, national, or otherwise—is a major public relations tool that assists with networking and educational growth.

Keri Hammond interviews Ron Paul, the founder and General Manager of FOCUS Engineering & Surveying. Ron oversees the development of the FOCUS company culture, the hiring and training of staff, and the goal setting of the firm.

Photography is a whole other profession and therefore has a deep terminology pool rich with jargon. We're here to help.

You're not a professional photographer, but you suddenly have to get the job done. How do you do it correctly?

Hold on—Wait a minute … Oh, we have an important announcement: it's National Punctuation Day! Knowing the purpose of every punctuation mark is crucial; being error-free in writing is the best recommendation.

You're a technical professional, not a professional photographer, but you've been asked to take project photos anyway. What do you do?

Professional photography is a worthy investment, but it's important to have your ducks in a row. Take care of the nuances first.

For so many reasons, it’s important to stay on top of your project photography, making and keeping it a priority. Here are four tips on how to do just that.

Video is not only an immediate and effective way to connect with viewers, but it is increasingly prioritized and compatible with nearly all forms of social media. Consider video when you look at the tools in your PR toolkit.

95 State at City Creek combines the religious and commercial for a clean and refined building with strong design sensibilities.

Virtual presentations require as much thought on preparedness and body language as physical presentations do—if not more so. Consider the nuances that will drastically improve your reception.

If you are a marketing leader, how can you help train and improve the presentation skills of your technical professionals? It starts with your own skills first.

Attending selection committee interviews is the perfect opportunity to learn what to do and what not to do in presentations, and MARKETLINK Principal Stephanie Craft has some tips.

We recommend Prezi, a presentation creator and platform that can transform everyday slides into intuitive spacial tiers and engaging transitions. Anyone looking for a boost would benefit from its significant collection of options, combinations, and creative panels.

The public speaking portion of presentations often gets to people, but comfort in front of an audience is within reach.

For any proposal, in order to write a successful strategic approach, you must research, brainstorm, and then brainstorm some more. The writing is the easy part!

Feature articles are detailed and descriptive reports that go beyond the restrictions and deadlines of news articles, allowing the marketing opportunity to give an expansive look on projects, people, partners, or similar.

Wally Hise is senior vice president of federal marketing for HDR Engineering. With more than 35 years of experience, his marketing knowledge and techniques are robust.

When it comes down to it, technical professionals are key to the success of every proposal. The technical professional is the experienced assurance behind every marketing pitch.

Proposals are the heartbeat of AEC firms—consistent in their necessity and life-bringing when successfully on the beat. Make sure your understanding of the jargon is present and accurate.

Coming up with proposal strategies for an AEC project pursuit is a group effort, but guiding a team to decide on all necessary points can be overwhelming. We have some tactics to help.

A current, optimized, efficient, clean, and original Google My Business listing can instantly build or improve your online reputation. Let's make sure we've got that ball rolling.

Proposal templates not only make the proposal process easier, they provide opportunities to focus on powerful nuances that make your firm's proposal stand out.

Speaking opportunities do more to elevate a technical professional as an expert than nearly any other marketing opportunity. Public speaking pays proportionate dividends in boosting your firm's reputation.

Do you follow social media etiquette? As an AEC marketing professional responsible for your firm’s online presence, netiquette is essential.

All of the most important social media marketing terms are now live, all in one place.

The concept of "social media" is not always a positive one, but its influence can't be overlooked—and in the AEC industry, that influence is irrefutably positive. Social media marketing has enough power to deserve respect and proper attention.

When done right, newsletters strengthen connections with contacts, establish firms as thought leaders and experts, and help spread important knowledge on the industry as a whole.

Search engine optimization is a complex system, but with few exceptions, any step forward is a step up. Explore the stepping stones ahead of you that will ensure that your content is seen and accessible.

Hashtags were once trendy, and now they're a genuine tool. Tech-savvy firms can use hashtags to boost engagement and increase SEO.

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