Asking Around Can Provide Some Sweet Business 


With Halloween coming up, we have to remember everyone’s favorite part of the holiday: Trick-or-Treating! Dressing up and then knocking on doors throughout the neighborhood for free candy? Who wouldn’t love it?


The most memorable part had to have been hustling from house to house to as much candy as possible. Much like trick-or-treating, the “ask and ye shall receive” philosophy works in business, too.


Whether you’re at an industry function, out to lunch with a client, or on the phone with a vendor, put on your virtual costume (Super Sleuth, perhaps?) and ask for free candy in the form of market research:


  • How do you see your industry changing in the next 3-5 years?
  • How are A/E/C firms responding well to your needs? How can AEC firms improve their service to you?
  • What is your 3-5 year projected budget and capital development wish list?
  • What are the three most important characteristics you value in an AEC firm?
  • What keeps you up at night when thinking about your design/construction needs?


It may seem like hard work to develop a trick-or-treat marketing mentality, but it pays off with some sweet dividends in the form of better business.


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