Videos are a powerful and increasingly affordable way to showcase your firm’s services and influence target markets. The most effective videos create connection, authenticity, and familiarity by combining visual, audio, and appropriate music and text. This digital content can be shared quickly across multiple online and mobile platforms. 



Improvements in affordable equipment makes producing and editing high-quality video in-house more feasible. When used with a good linking strategy, video can increase SEO because many search engines are set to give preference to sites with video content. Video content can improve your email marketing, social media, newsletters, websites, and proposals.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Decide what level of video quality you want and be sure you have the resources to obtain it.

  • Whether you hire a professional videographer or do it yourself, make sure the content is consistent with your firm brand.

  • Define your key messages and then use a script storyboard to serve as a guide for what the final deliverable will look like.

  • Have your safety director review job site video to ensure compliance with safety standards.

  • Consider a mobile device as a capture source for short promotional videos that will be primarily viewed on social media outlets.

  • Know the limitations of posting video on YouTube.

  • Use content to create short videos for tradeshow slideshows, virtual presentations, and virtual client interviews.
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