In June we are wearing near-sighted glasses, which help us focus on a firm's internal details.

From analytics and branding to lead generation and social media marketing, we'll delve into the intricacies of each concept, empowering you to elevate your marketing strategies and stay ahead of the competition. Review these marketing terms to get a refresher on the essentials.

Kimberly Johnson, Principal and Marketing Director for Design West Architects, has a thorough and methodical approach to her marketing that marks the success of her firm—and which she has shared with us.

Stephanie Ray, Director of Marketing at Sunrise Engineering, explores how to utilize capital improvement plans to identify public sector projects.

Technical professionals set the strategic plan in motion and make it practical and effective, meaning they provide one of the most important roles in planning.

In May we are wearing polarized glasses, where being prepared allows us to see our goals more clearly.

Whether you use Artificial Intelligence or not, it's on the rise, and understanding what it is and what it might be able to achieve for you is important.

Over 20 years of AEC marketing at MARKETLINK, we've learned several key lessons that keep us flourishing in a dynamic field.

As an AEC firm, it's important to regularly review and assess your marketing plan to ensure its success.

Achieving both effective time management and strong client relationships can feel like a tall order sometimes for AEC technical staff—breaking it all down helps the combination be within reach.

S+B James Construction was contractor and architect for this beautifully designed addition to the existing Coquille Health Clinic on the central Oregon coast.

In April we are wearing mirrored glasses, which have allowed us to see our mistakes and correct them.

If you use InDesign, do you also use a plugin called WordsFlow? Cali Centurion recommends this time- and frustration-saver for all marketers trying to connect with their technical staff.

Advertisements are a precise PR tool aimed toward a targeted audience. When done correctly, ads can be a valuable and effective tool.

Infographics are useful in the AEC industry because they enable marketers to communicate ideas quickly and effectively. Visuals can help highlight key points and important data in a way that is easily identifiable. This approach can be especially useful in technical fields like ours when selection committees are reviewing multiple submissions and you want them to remember your most important data.


Digital marketing is only becoming more prevalent as time goes on. Knowing the jargon is an important step toward understanding its nuances.

Tony Herrera and Michelle Hecht, founders of Northern California architecture firm Enso Designs, created their new company in July 2020 and have been growing steadily since.

Are you wearing square-framed glasses this month? Every side to these glasses means something valuable for your firm.

In March we are wearing square glasses, which help us focus on strong foundations and how we got there.

Over 20 years of AEC marketing, MARKETLINK has seen dramatic shifts in how firms approach marketing. It's been a remarkable journey.

Marketing coordinators play important roles in a firm's marketing plan. A lot depends on the approach, method, and consistent communication. We provide seven recommendations to expand your knowledge and become an invaluable member of your marketing team.


With spring around the corner, now is the time to use our rose-colored glasses to inspire the firm with your strategic plan—and everyone's subsequent role in it.

The new Department of General Services Natural Resources Headquarters in Sacramento marks a major addition to the State of California’s facilities portfolio.

The new Department of General Services Natural Resources Headquarters in Sacramento marks a major addition to the State of California’s facilities portfolio.

In order to do anything meaningful, you have to know where you are going. That's what strategic plans are, but it's important to know what you're talking about, too.

We start the year with a positive outlook for all of you wearing rose-colored glasses!  We love that you’re optimistic about the future and see it as bright and full of hope!

There are three groups of contributors that are critical to aligning any firm’s vision, and we have three corresponding guidances for those contributors.

How we see life is based upon the unique lenses we all wear. This year, we'll share 11 months of glasses or lenses through which you can view your own professional experience, whether you lead the company, are charting your career path forward, or are entering the industry. 

As 2023 begins, MARKETLINK ushers in our 20th year in business. This year, we will be looking back at everything we've learned that has brought us to this point.

From PD and SD phases to CSI master formats, design phase terminology gets pretty particular in the AEC industry. It's worth a refresher.

Press events distribute information to official sources in a live setting, opening up opportunities to elaborate, distribute press kits, and more.

Press releases communicate official information on events, projects, and other important firm information to the public.

What can we learn from Santa and his world-renown training and coaching capabilities? Stephanie Craft, MBA, interviews Old St. Nick to gain some insights.

It's worth it to slow down and revisit the most basic terms, even when we know them well. Recentering ourselves serves to our benefit.

Early in 2021, Jacobsen finished their beautiful modern headquarters near the Salt Lake City International Airport.

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