Advertising is a marketing tactic involving paying for space to promote your firm, people, services, or a cause. The goal of advertising in the AEC industry is to reach a targeted audience that would be likely and willing to hire your firm.


  1. Benefits: With the right kind of market research, placing an ad with a targeted, client-oriented publication whose audience needs your services can be successful. Advertising is a way to expand the firm or services’ exposure locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. Advertising lets you be very clear and concise in the message you are trying to convey and can enhance your brand. 

  2. Tips and Tricks:
    1. Distribute advertisements to past, present, and potential clients through social media, website, or direct mail campaign

    2. Display in your office (lobby, hallways, breakroom, etc.)

    3. When placing an ad, discuss a deal for free press coverage for your firm or projects

    4. If placing an ad, ask for an opportunity to submit an article

    5. Negotiate ad rates/space
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