Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive by Harvey MacKay

Reviewed by Stephanie Craft, Principal of MARKETLINK


With people trying to move up the ladder, executives trying to meet company-wide targets, and management stuck between the two, the waters of the business world are certainly shark-infested. Harvey MacKay’s timeless book, Swim With The Sharks, provides many practical solutions for the potentially dangerous waters of the business world.


Stephanie took some key lessons from the book, including creating lasting relationships with clients. “I still use the 66-Question Customer Profile in Lesson 4 for my own practice and when I’m conducting sales for my clients,” says Stephanie. “It’s so invaluable in helping us focus on our clients as people instead of prospects for more work.”


For her work with suppliers, Lesson 38 has helped her recognize that how a business pays its’ bills says something about the kind of business it is. Her advice? “Practice the Golden Rule.”


The book provides great human resource lessons as well. “Lesson 49 has a title that is so relatable,” she reads. “‘It Isn’t the People You Fire Who Make Your Life Miserable. It’s the People You Don’t.’ Enough said.”


“The tactics for interviewing and hiring staff have been a windfall in good advice,” says Stephanie. “Based on Harvey’s recommendations, I have even gone so far as to recommend to my clients that their receptionist be part of their marketing team.” Craft recognized the best practice of creating a lasting first impression that clients will keep coming back to.


As a quick read on a variety of topics like sales, management, hiring, firing, and just being a good worker, Stephanie highly recommends Harvey MacKay’s bestseller.

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