Less is more! With clean and concise writing, simplicity is achieved. When writing with simplicity, we reach a bigger audience and are easily understood—a boon for everything from proposals to social media.

With electronics being such an integral part of life and work in this era, it is critical to establish boundaries and standards for ourselves when it comes to etiquette. Our phones are the biggest culprits, so tackle that pesky multipurpose tool first so that you know what is polte as you interact with clients and coworkers.

Professional friendships are built upon a number of valuable facets—reliability, availability, proactivity, and so forth. A good way to get closer to people no matter the setting is by asking questions. Tweak these however you like, but here are some conversation points to get the ball rolling with your clients – current or potential.

Whether you’re new to the industry and just wondering how to get started or you’ve been creating proposals for years and you’re always trying to find “that one write-up you created for that one proposal,” it’s never a bad time to organize your marketing materials!

As we continue to adapt to the new paradigm, we must adjust to the limited ability to meet face to face, while remembering how important this activity is to creating a longstanding relationship. Here are six suggestions for pivoting and making the most of your business development efforts.

Google My Business or GMB, isn’t just nice, it’s essential for any growing business. A current, optimized, efficient, clean, original GMB listing can instantly build or improve your online reputation. 

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