Airtable is a platform optimized for organization and collaboration. We use it, and we recommend it.
For sites like Instagram, the learning curve is tight for creating and curating our most appealing images. We have seven apps for our AEC marketers to make finding your feet easier—specifically for stories, but you'll find that they help with the entire process!
This holiday season we bring you the apps you never knew you needed. While our selection includes apps just for fun, most are downright helpful and will keep you organized. If you’re prone to keeping too many balls up in the air—we see you, AEC marketers—these apps will help you be a little less stressed.
We’ve talked before about the necessity of generating, maintaining and following up on leads. It’s a marketing task that requires daily and ongoing activity to ensure your firm is well-positioned to secure new work. While the internet makes finding project and client leads easier, the amount of information a marketer can find in a manner of seconds can be overwhelming. IMS is a leader in advance notice public leads specifically for architects, engineers, and construction management professionals.
We got lost in marshmallow-y thoughts this week thinking of Rice Krispie Treats—September 18th is the national day to celebrate them, after all!
A 35-year AEC industry veteran, Nancy Wolthuis has regularly used podcast discussions of macroeconomic issues for market forecasting and planning. If you don’t like the study of economics before listening, she promises you will after.
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