In May we are wearing polarized glasses, where being prepared allows us to see our goals more clearly.

In April we are wearing mirrored glasses, which have allowed us to see our mistakes and correct them.

In March we are wearing square glasses, which help us focus on strong foundations and how we got there.

We start the year with a positive outlook for all of you wearing rose-colored glasses!  We love that you’re optimistic about the future and see it as bright and full of hope!

How we see life is based upon the unique lenses we all wear. This year, we'll share 11 months of glasses or lenses through which you can view your own professional experience, whether you lead the company, are charting your career path forward, or are entering the industry. 

Do you want a surefire way to get your firm’s ALL-IN marketing training program launched? There are five practical steps that marketing and HR departments can take in adopting, developing, and implementing a long-term, AEC-focused marketing training program.

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