Most AEC marketing and business development meetings are too long and get off-topic. How can you be better organized so that your meetings are shorter AND more effective?
Marketing leaders are in the direct position to provide mentorship for their marketers. One of our favorite training methods is called "Brown Bag."
Firm principals are in the best position for determining what training and coaching is needed for their employees, and inspiring All In improvement by participating themselves.
Everyone benefits from a measurable marketing plan, and now is the time to refine your quantifiable checkpoints or start creating them for steadier results.
An actionable, measurable, and achievable marketing plan requires several steps and mentalities prior to formation. Otherwise, your hard work may slip through the cracks.
Journey mapping allows for a comprehensive view of client interaction with the firm, and using the technique opens up avenues for an informed approach to market research. In other words, it can be invaluable.
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