
Even when your newly developed website is considered “complete,” it still requires attention. Marketing Coordinators, you are a crucial team partner in guaranteeing the continued effectiveness of your website. Adding website optimization to your task list is essential.

As a part of their job, Marketing Coordinators need to consider the many areas where they can assist and enhance their firm’s branded message—from photography to company vehicles. Their work to make sure clients form a brand connection is what makes the firm go 'round.

Marketing coordinators, you are critical to the public relations process. From researching the best tactics to creating a schedule of events and action items and finally implementing the tactics, you'll be involved every step of the way.

Professional friendships are built upon a number of valuable facets—reliability, availability, proactivity, and so forth. A good way to get closer to people no matter the setting is by asking questions. Tweak these however you like, but here are some conversation points to get the ball rolling with your clients – current or potential.

It’s all about relationships in our industry - we can’t maintain those relationships if we don’t know where people are. Whether you use an Excel spreadsheet or a CRM like Cosential or Deltek, invest the time needed to keep it current.

What are some ways a firm can get a well-regimented unit of employees with marketing skills? Follow along each week for ideas on how to advise, engage, lead, and execute to ensure everyone is ALL IN.

This holiday season we bring you the apps you never knew you needed. While our selection includes apps just for fun, most are downright helpful and will keep you organized. If you’re prone to keeping too many balls up in the air—we see you, AEC marketers—these apps will help you be a little less stressed.

Whether you’re new to the industry and just wondering how to get started or you’ve been creating proposals for years and you’re always trying to find “that one write-up you created for that one proposal,” it’s never a bad time to organize your marketing materials!

We’ve talked before about the necessity of generating, maintaining and following up on leads. It’s a marketing task that requires daily and ongoing activity to ensure your firm is well-positioned to secure new work. While the internet makes finding project and client leads easier, the amount of information a marketer can find in a manner of seconds can be overwhelming. IMS is a leader in advance notice public leads specifically for architects, engineers, and construction management professionals.

The MARKETLINK team has had the privilege of working from home for quite a few years. Our staff members have always worked remotely, and we have definitely tried everything in the book to figure out the best system. If this experience is new to you and your firm, here are some of our suggestions that might help you get—and stay—on track.

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