Guidance for Marketing Coordinators


Even when your newly developed website is considered “complete,” it still requires attention. Marketing Coordinators, you are a crucial team partner in guaranteeing the continued effectiveness of your website. Adding website optimization to your task list is essential. The following list will give you prioritized ideas of how you can be a tool in the process of ensuring user engagement.


SEO Is an Ongoing Process

Research shows that search engine optimization (SEO) is the most effective online marketing technique for getting more business. Your target audience uses search engines to find AEC design and construction professionals. To help them find your site, SEO needs to be your highest priority.


SEO is more than just “tagging” your website with the right keywords and phrases. It is an intensive commitment that is imperative to getting your site to rank high in organic searches.


Continually Add Relevant Content

Search engines have one job and one job only: find the words entered into the search bar. Considering this, the most commonly searched topics must be found on your website. As a coordinator, you need to work with your marketing and technical team to create content that is continually added to your website that deserves to be ranked. Google rewards web pages that deliver the most relevant content for a given search phrase.


Add Content That is Specific and Informative

The best pages are those that are specific, informative, and reliable sources of educational information. If you want to rank for a phrase such as design/build construction in Colorado, have your team help you by creating a page that delivers detailed, useful information on this specific topic. Google can and will distinguish organic content from other content on the web.


Include Keywords on More Than Just Page Content

Be sure to include relevant keywords not only in just the page text, but also in the page title and meta description. It is also helpful to tag appropriate website images and videos on the page with keywords and key phrases. This allows search engines to read and process the words and phrases on these images and video. Your website ranking will increase when you create pages that are rich in relevant keywords and phrases.


Boost Your Rank

Now your job is to boost your rank. This is not a quick and easy task. It can take a few days or even a few weeks to see if a particular keyword or phrase has been optimized. Your ranking is determined by a variety of factors, including how competitive the keyword phrase is and how authoritative your website is to search engines. The goal is to outrank other web pages that include similar words. The search engine algorithms determine how authoritative a website is, and that process dictates where a page will rank. Search engines reward credible content on websites with higher rankings.


Continue to Develop Inbound Links

A major factor in ranking is also determined in part by how many other quality websites are linking to your website. As other websites link to yours, search engines acknowledge each link as a validated and referred site. Your task should be to continue to develop inbound links to your website over time, gradually building authority.


As you can see, increasing SEO is a long-term process. Your role as a valued member of the marketing team will be very important to long-term success. Your attention to continual keyword research, link building, and results-tracking will be necessary.


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About The Author

Keri Hammond, FSMPS, CPSM

Keri is a long-standing trailblazer in the Utah AEC industry. Clients appreciate her ability to get things done – they know she does whatever it takes, with integrity, to help them build their business. Keri is known for her leadership and diplomacy; she motivates others with positivity, trust, and unwavering support.

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