
Most of us in the AEC industry realize that a new name, icon, or logo will not create a new brand for our firm. Creating an “All In” mentality is crucial to forming the brand message necessary to make a lasting impression. The ultimate goal is for every person who interacts with anyone at your firm, in any capacity, to have a structured, consistent, and carefully orchestrated experience.

Often misunderstood, PR is an influential tool – a way of turning cold calls into warm prospects. While some people think of PR strictly as press releases and advertising, we suggest you turn that notion on its head. PR is “Perception = Reality.” When used as a support tactic, it will help you win work.

For Myrna Wagner, Vice President of Business Development at Swinerton Management and Consulting, the most important step to marketing mentality was to create a culture of collaboration and accountability with the leadership team. Her approach is to provide them with tools to help and encourage their involvement with business development. MARKETLINK Principal Stephanie Craft asked some questions to find out more.

MARKETLINK Principal Stephanie Craft caught up with Chuck Hack, a Lionakis principal and owner, to learn more about how he and Lionakis’s leadership have created and fostered a marketing mentality within the firm.

What are some ways a firm can get a well-regimented unit of employees with marketing skills? Follow along each week for ideas on how to advise, engage, lead, and execute to ensure everyone is ALL IN.

Whether you call it internal marketing, marketing mentality, or creating a culture of rainmakers, it’s a straightforward concept critical to the AEC industry: Training and motivating client-contact employees and support staff to work as a team to ensure client satisfaction.

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