We have learned over the years there are 15 solid reasons clients leave firms they’ve built long-term working relationships with. Does your firm have a culture of client service to mitigate this?

Whether your firm has a formal Client Care Program or not, one way to enhance your client relationships and further your career is by thinking of yourself as a Client Care Manager.

It’s all about relationships in our industry - we can’t maintain those relationships if we don’t know where people are. Whether you use an Excel spreadsheet or a CRM like Cosential or Deltek, invest the time needed to keep it current.

As we continue to adapt to the new paradigm, we must adjust to the limited ability to meet face to face, while remembering how important this activity is to creating a longstanding relationship. Here are six suggestions for pivoting and making the most of your business development efforts.

If you're like us, your most fond memories of Halloween are hustling from house to house to get as much candy as possible. Much like trick-or-treating, the “ask and ye shall receive” philosophy works in business, too.

As a founding Principal of MARKETLINK, Stephanie Craft knew a solid client relationship would give the business the initial footing it needed to thrive. She found it in Architectural International.

To celebrate MARKETLINK’s Sweet 16, Principals Stephanie Craft and Keri Hammond present the 16 (sweet) reasons they love the A/E/C industry.

Principal Stephanie Craft attended the SMPS Sacramento Luncheon recently, where a panel made up of three public sector staff discussed what they valued most in consultants. Here are the top three take-aways.


Sherlock knows that perception is reality. While working on the job with his unsuspecting culprits, he asks six questions to continually investigate his client’s perception of his firm’s service.

The ability to listen, and listen carefully, is a skill that seems to be scarce these days. Conversational “blah blah blah” is so common, there’s a day to commemorate it! April 17th is Blah Blah Blah Day. Defeat the disregard of dialogue with these three tips to improve your listening skills.

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