One of the best ways to build a solid relationship with your client is to understand their business and terminology. From purchasing processes to request documents to equipment used, here are some acronyms you should know. Brush up and show your stuff!
Few firms have a strategy in place to help retain and grow their existing client relationships, but it's one of the most important investments they can make.
For every letter of the alphabet, there are dozens of specialized AEC terms—some ubiquitous, some zany, but all of them helpful for the trades and fun to learn. We've chosen 26 to give a window into some of the many moving pieces in AEC.
Most AEC marketing and business development meetings are too long and get off-topic. How can you be better organized so that your meetings are shorter AND more effective?
What is the path of an AEC industry professional? How can you become a valuable asset to your team? Get yourself personally organized and poised for career growth with a personal branding plan.
Catherine Curtis, a sales and growth strategist with over 20 years in the AEC industry, details the balance and diverse skillsets crucial to a marketing mindset within a firm.
Happy Holidays! This season brings us traditions galore, as well words we don’t often hear the remainder of the year.
Do you want a surefire way to get your firm’s ALL-IN marketing training program launched? There are five practical steps that marketing and HR departments can take in adopting, developing, and implementing a long-term, AEC-focused marketing training program.
Marketing leaders are in the direct position to provide mentorship for their marketers. One of our favorite training methods is called "Brown Bag."
Emerging professionals who are the first in their marketing corner at their firm can seek mentorship elsewhere, including here.
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