Bruce Fallon, AIA | Architect, Principal, President | WPA Architecture


Bruce Fallon, AIA, Architect, Principal, and President at WPA Architecture, has made a remarkable impact on the AEC industry over the past 27 years. Bruce combines his deep architectural expertise with a strong focus on business development and marketing. He leads the firm by emphasizing design excellence while seamlessly integrating marketing and business growth into his leadership approach.


Career Kick-Off


How long have you been playing in the AEC industry field?


I began my journey in the AEC industry in 1994 as an office manager for a general contracting firm in Layton, UT. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from the University of Utah in 1998 and a Master of Architecture from the NewSchool of Architecture in San Diego in 2000, I became a licensed architect in 2003. I’ve practiced in California and Utah, and since joining WPA Architecture in 2005, I’ve honed my skills in both design and business development.


Position in the Game


Can you describe your role at WPA Architecture?


As President and Principal, I focus on refining our design and business development strategies. Recently, my partner, Dave Edwards, AIA, and I took a day and a half away from the office to evaluate the future direction of our firm. We asked ourselves, "If we were starting from scratch, what would we keep the same, and what would we change?" This process led us to engage our entire team in a collaborative session to define our core values and pinpoint what truly distinguishes us. The result? We now have a clearer understanding of our firm’s identity that we can confidently share with clients, potential hires, contractors, and team members.


Winning Traits


What skills have been key to your career success?


As a situational introvert, I balance observation with active engagement. Rather than relying on formal sales tactics, I focus on building genuine relationships. By setting ego aside, it’s easier to align our work with client expectations, embracing their needs and values.



Game-Changing Play


What has been a defining moment in your career?


Leading a $24-million healthcare project was a significant milestone for me. This multi-year, complex project required both strong architectural skills and strategic business development. Successfully managing it from start to finish solidified my confidence in both design and business acumen, marking a major achievement in my career.



Star Player Attributes


What are two strengths that make you successful professionally and personally?


I have a strong belief in the next generation, believing that their growth is vital for the future of our industry. This includes involvement directly within our firm’s operations, as well as through opportunities volunteering with AIA committees and in the broader community. Additionally, building and maintaining relationships is crucial, helping to retain clients and create a collaborative team environment. I’m continually seeking ways to improve, whether it’s through refining our firm’s processes or focusing on personal growth.


Off the Field


What hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?


I’m deeply involved in community service, having spent years coaching club soccer and serving as a Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America. My family is the center of my life, and when my kids entered high school sports, I transitioned from coaching to photography, volunteering at sporting events and capturing memories for athletes and their families. Gardening is another passion—my yard has been a 19-year project, and I look forward to continuing this journey.


Coach's Perspective


How do you encourage your technical staff to engage in marketing and business development?


I emphasize that marketing and business development are about building relationships and creating opportunities. I encourage our technical staff to be proactive in client interactions, viewing these moments as chances to contribute to our firm’s growth. This approach has led to a more engaged and collaborative team.


Guiding Referee


Who has been a mentor to you in marketing and business development?


I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors throughout my career who have shaped my approach to marketing and business development. If I had to choose one, it would be my former partner, Alan Poulson. For nearly 19 years, I had the privilege of learning from him and witnessing his leadership firsthand. Alan maintained a calm and composed demeanor, regardless of the daily pressures, and was always willing to help and teach, no matter what he was working on at the time. I admired these qualities and have strived to embody them in my own leadership at the firm.


Team Strategy


How do you rally support from team leaders for your marketing efforts?


At our firm, everyone contributes to business development and client retention. We prioritize our team's involvement by focusing on exceptional service and care for our current clients. While it can be challenging at times, we believe that maintaining strong relationships with our regular clients will lead to repeat business and new opportunities through their referrals and connections to projects beyond their organization.


PR Play


Two truths and a lie.


I was almost born in a tent, I had regular bottle rocket wars in junior high, and I built a treehouse with running water as an undergrad. Can you guess which one is the lie?

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