As the experts who will work on the project first-hand, technical professionals are ideal candidates for proposal presenters. After a few tips and lots of rehearsal, stand with skill and confidence in front of the selection committee.

A proposal is nothing without prepared technical professionals, but preparedness takes a lot of legwork before even the RFP drops. Positioning in advance puts proposals at an advantage throughout the entire process.

One of the most challenging demands in marketing is maintaining authenticity, but it is an easier problem to solve than it seems. The sheer number of experts behind every firm in the AEC industry makes achieving authenticity a cinch—so long as technical professionals take a step out.

Technical Staff's role in branding is crucial and a key component to customer service. As they interact with customers, vendors, staff, and consultants every day, they should prioritize their skill usage, know their brand back to front, and always lead with a good impression.

AEC technical professionals, your intimate familiarity with design, projects, processes, and the solutions provided is an untapped gold mine for public relations.

Professional friendships are built upon a number of valuable facets—reliability, availability, proactivity, and so forth. A good way to get closer to people no matter the setting is by asking questions. Tweak these however you like, but here are some conversation points to get the ball rolling with your clients – current or potential.

Whether your firm has a formal Client Care Program or not, one way to enhance your client relationships and further your career is by thinking of yourself as a Client Care Manager.

As we continue to adapt to the new paradigm, we must adjust to the limited ability to meet face to face, while remembering how important this activity is to creating a longstanding relationship. Here are six suggestions for pivoting and making the most of your business development efforts.

Written by entrepreneur and performance psychology expert Joshua Medcalf, Chop Wood, Carry Water is a short and easy read with great lessons and examples. “For me, it was much more effective to read and learn from the boy’s experiences than to just read about the lesson and what needs to be done to improve,” explains Daryl. “I like seeing the application and learning the ‘why’ behind the principle.”

We’ve all heard the adage “the best way to get somewhere is a straight line,” but author Rich Christiansen suggests otherwise. Christiansen is an entrepreneur who has founded or cofounded more than 30 businesses. Some of them were colossal failures, others were multi-million-dollar successes.

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