


Our name says it all: we are your LINK to success in the AEC industry.

Whether it's creating a presentation or presenting at the interview itself, it's helpful to know some basic terms and smooth out the wrinkles.

Know your options! The presentation world comes with a robust number of applications and resources available to make your proposal interview shine. Create a promising physical presenation, and your proposal will shine.

As the experts who will work on the project first-hand, technical professionals are ideal candidates for proposal presenters. After a few tips and lots of rehearsal, stand with skill and confidence in front of the selection committee.

Even firm principals have something to learn with presentation preparation! Keep on the lookout for talented individuals, bring outside voices in, and create the support systems needed for your presenters to succeed.

While presentations are only given by one person, the entire firm can and should be involved in both the prep and training. This benefits everyone—not just the presenter.

Less is more! With clean and concise writing, simplicity is achieved. When writing with simplicity, we reach a bigger audience and are easily understood—a boon for everything from proposals to social media.

Though it's important to write proposals so almost anyone can understand, RFPs may not do us that same kindness. Brush up on a few terms to make sure they're not unfamiliar!

Knowing what's needed in a proposal then breaking the process down into bite-sized steps proves for an easier, cleaner system. Be prepared and work as a tight-knit team to achieve everything you need in a timely manner.

Organization is key with proposal strategies. When the proposal team knows their roles, responsibilities, and deadlines, the rest is much easier to manage.

Preparing for and executing a proposal takes an especially involved brand of teamwork. The firm being All In for this process is critical to successful proposals and business as a whole.

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