Search Engine Land’s SEO Periodic Table

Search engine optimization (SEO) seems like alchemy to the uninitiated. A complex network of interlocking factors, it takes more than simply good content to get a firm's expertise out there for viewing. Luckily, every small step in SEO increases the likelihood of firm exposure, so the only way to go is up. All of the following is built to guide your firm toward success factors and best practices, and away from potential pitfalls, as you build the framework for your SEO strategy. 


SEO periodic table



Content draws both website traffic and a genuine interest in your firm. Establishing expertise, communication, and know-how is critical for clients and search engines, the latter of which values your content higher the more you build legitimacy.


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Quality Blog

Qu: Quality
Weight Ranking: +5

Pages must be well written and have substantial quality.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Research Blog

Rs: Research
Weight Ranking: +4

Discover keywords people may use to find your content.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Answers Blog

An: Answers
Weight Ranking: +4

Create content that can be turned into answers in the SERP.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Depth Blog copy

Dt: Depth
Weight Ranking: +3

Shallow content fails. Aim for substance.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Keywords Blog

Kw: Keywords
Weight Ranking: +3

Build target keywords into your pages.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Freshness Blog

Fr: Freshness
Weight Ranking: +3

Create timely content; refresh or retire stagnant pages.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Multimedia Blog

Mm: Multimedia
Weight Ranking: +3

Images, video, and audio can set your content apart.




Your website must be comprehensive—this helps both search engines and potential clients/users. Navigable content is accessible and organized for everyone, including bots.


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture Crawl Blog

Cr: Crawl
Weight Ranking: +5

Search engines must be able to easily crawl your pages.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture Mobile First Blog 

Mo: Mobile First
Weight Ranking: +4

Optimize for smartphone and tablets. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture Structure Blog

St: Structure
Weight Ranking: +4

Make sure the page’s structure is easy for both users and bots to understand. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture Parity Blog 

Pr: Parity
Weight Ranking: +4

Parity between mobile and desktop experiences. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture URLS Blog

Ur: URLs
Weight Ranking: +3

Build keywords into your page addresses.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture Duplicate Blog 

Dd: Duplicates
Weight Ranking: +3

Be smart. Use SEO standards and redirects. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture Speed Blog

Sp: Speed
Weight Ranking: +3

Your site should load quickly on any device, ready for user interaction.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Content Architecture HTTPS Blog 

Weight Ranking: +1

HTTPS ensures security for website visitors. 



Minutia is crucial, too, or else your new content slips through the cracks or seems too obscure to grab and maintain interest.


Marketlink SEO Periodic Table HTML Titles Blog 

Tt: Titles
Weight Ranking: +5

Build keywords into your titles. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table HTML Schema Blog 

Sc: Schema
Weight Ranking: +4

Structured data and schema can turn data into enhanced listings. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table HTML Headings Blog

Hd: Headings
Weight Ranking: +3

Build keywords into your headers and subheaders. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table HTML Content Shift Blog 

Cls: Content Shift
Weight Ranking: +2

Minimal content shift upon page load improves user experience. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table HTML Descriptions Blog

Ds: Descriptions
Weight Ranking: +2

Meta tags should describe what pages are about. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table HTML Image Alt Blog 

Alt: Image Alt
Weight Ranking: +1

Alt text for images improves accessibility and image SEO.



We know reputation is important in real life, but is it even a thing for search engines? Yes! Search engines rank content by what it deems worthy through established criteria. That way, users searching through their engine are able to find content that is beneficial. Likewise, your content needs to reflect authority in order for search engines to recognize it as useful, and thus allow your content to rise in potential searches.


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Reputation Expertise Blog

Ex: Expertise
Weight Ranking: +5

Expertise shows that you have the knowledge to be a thought leader on a given topic. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Reputation Authority Blog 

Au: Authority
Weight Ranking: +5

Authority is everything. Capitalize on links, shares, and other signals.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table Reputation Trust Blog

Tr: Trust
Weight Ranking: +4

Established sites that have operated the same way for years carry weight. 




Internal links make sense, but why would you want to link away from your own content? Believe it or not, linking your content to a greater network naturally boosts your authority and reputation. Not only that, but regardless of SEO technicalities, legitimizing your authority helps real people trust you, too. Links are more important than you might realize.


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LINK Link Quality Blog

Lq: Link Quality
Weight Ranking: +5

Seek links from trusted, quality websites. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LINK Anchors Blog 

Ac: Anchors
Weight Ranking: +4

Link anchor text words should be relevant to the destination URL of the link. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LINK Quantity Blog

Qt: Quantity
Weight Ranking: +2

The more high-quality links, the better.





We all have target audiences, and we need to cater to them while still maintaining our brand, authority, and professionalism. Doing so and creating specific content with refined intent allows search engines to properly categorize and boost your site. 


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table User User Experience Blog

Ux: User Experience
Weight Ranking: +4

Does your site have a user experience that makes your users want to come back and read more?

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table User Intent Blog 

It: Intent
Weight Ranking: +4

Consider why someone is conducting a specific search. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table User Locality Blog

Ly: Locality
Weight Ranking: +3

Consider the region of your searcher and create experiences for them.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table User Country Blog 

Cy: Country
Weight Ranking: +2

Consider the country of your searcher, create experiences for them.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table User Engagement Blog

Eg: Engagement
Weight Ranking: +2

Visitors should spend time with your pages, not bounce. 




 There are factors to watch out for and avoid, and safeties that ought to be put in place to prevent negative impacts. Be careful, responsible, and aware.


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Cloaking Blog

Cl: Cloaking
Weight Ranking: -5

Don’t show the engines different content than you’re showing searchers.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Schemes Blog 

Sc: Schemes
Weight Ranking: -4

Buying links, spamming blogs, and so on are tactics that can get you penalized.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Bad Content Blog 

Bc: Bad Content
Weight Ranking: -4

Google punishes automated/generated content, scraped content, and doorway pages. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Malicious Behavior Blog 

Mb: Malicious Behavior
Weight Ranking: -4

Phishing, trojans, malware, and hacking will get you kicked out of the index.

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Stuffing Blog

Sf: Stuffing
Weight Ranking: -3

Don’t be excessive with packing keywords into your copy. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Hiding Blog 

Hi: Hiding
Weight Ranking: -3

Obfuscating your keywords is a spam tactic. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Piracy Blog

Ar: Piracy
Weight Ranking: -2

Hosting stolen content can get you flagged. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table TOXINS Intrusiveness Blog 

Iv: Intrusiveness
Weight Ranking: -2

Ad-heavy content, intrusive interstitials are a bad idea. 




The greater internet is not necessarily a firm's goal. Catering to local targets and anchoring a firm into relevant networks ensures your content is accessible to the correct and desired people. 


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LOCALS GMB Blog

Gmb: Google My Business
Weight Ranking: +5

A Google My Business listing is required to get found on the local map. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LOCALS Locations Blog 

Lc: Locations
Weight Ranking: +5

The searcher’s location plays into what results show up in a local search. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LOCALS Citations Blog

Ci: Citations
Weight Ranking: +3

Citations show search engines you’re a real business. 

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LOCALS NAP Blog 

Nap: NAP
Weight Ranking: +3

Name, address, and phone number must be consistent across all digital citations. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table LOCALS Reviews Blog

Rv: Reviews
Weight Ranking: +3

There is a direct correlation between the number and quality of reviews and local SEO rankings. 




There are nuances to publishing your content that can boost your SEO and serve to your benefit. Explore peripheral options and use the greater tools at your disposal. 


 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table PUBLISHING Top Stories Blog

Ts: Top Stories
Weight Ranking: +4

Optimizing your site to show in Top Stories can be a goldmine of organic traffic for publishers.

Marketlink SEO Periodic Table PUBLISHING Discover Blog 

Dc: Discover
Weight Ranking: +4

Google’s Discover field personalizes news for readers. This means more qualified website visitors. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table PUBLISHING Archives Blog

Av: Archives
Weight Ranking: +3

A strong, well-optimized archive acts as a content pillar/category. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table PUBLISHING Image Required Blog

Ir: Image Required
Weight Ranking: +3

Every page is required to include at least one image. Images should be at least 1200px wide if the height is 800px. 

 Marketlink SEO Periodic Table PUBLISHING Flexible Sampling Blog

Fs: Flexible Sampling
Weight Ranking: +2

If your news is subscription only, experiment with metering and lead-ins. 

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