Rain Making: The Professional’s Guide to Attracting New Clients by Ford Harding is written for anyone who wishes to bring in business, generate leads, and develop relationships that turn into profitable projects. In essence, this book—chock full of resources, research, and technique—is for anyone who wants to hone a marketing mentality, made accessible.

Stephanie Munoz, Business Development Director for Dibble, talks in-depth about he all-in environment, mentors, and storytelling in marketing.

Focusing on client relations while on the job is a form of marketing. Get to know your clients as people, and your one-time project will open doors of opportunity.

Karen Carr, Business Development Director of Boldt Construction, describes her process of starting from scratch with new perspectives and firm-wide buy-in.

Stephanie Ray, Corporate Director of Marketing for Sunrise Engineering, provides in-depth answers to our marketing questions and outlines a thorough process to strengthen her firm through marketing support and initiatives.

Eric Stratford, Director of Business Development & Preconstruction Services at R&O Construction, shares his experience in working as a team with leadership, business, and marketing to create a cohesive and supportive approach to the firm's marketing development.

With electronics being such an integral part of life and work in this era, it is critical to establish boundaries and standards for ourselves when it comes to etiquette. Our phones are the biggest culprits, so tackle that pesky multipurpose tool first so that you know what is polte as you interact with clients and coworkers.

Patricia Cantley, Regional Marketing Director of Brown and Caldwell, describes her experience at her job and explains what steps she has found are necessary for marketing success in the industry.

Cynthia Re’Mine, Marketing Director for Reaveley Engineers, provides concrete advice and objectives in response to our questions on her marketing success. From establishing marketing as a serious and fruitful commitment early on to her practices in getting the right people on board, there's wisdom to be found in her informed answers.

When creating a lead-generating website, technical staff are crucial for creating quality content that appeals to potential visitors and draws them in. Technical staff are the ones who create appealing educational libraries for everyone and anyone to learn more about both the firm and the business, and it's expertise that keeps clients coming back for more.

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