
An essential component in any successful architecture, engineering, and construction firm is a dedicated focus to generating, maintaining, and following up on project and client leads. A lead is not just an RFP announcement or a letter from a client requesting a proposal: It's identifying change and taking action.

This National Tradesperson Day, we are especially grateful for the experts who make AEC weak spots shine. With the AEC industry's dangerous shortage, it's important that we spread the word, too: trades are anexcellent career choice, and we need them.

With electronics being such an integral part of life and work in this era, it is critical to establish boundaries and standards for ourselves when it comes to etiquette. Our phones are the biggest culprits, so tackle that pesky multipurpose tool first so that you know what is polte as you interact with clients and coworkers.

Professional friendships are built upon a number of valuable facets—reliability, availability, proactivity, and so forth. A good way to get closer to people no matter the setting is by asking questions. Tweak these however you like, but here are some conversation points to get the ball rolling with your clients – current or potential.

Defining moments shape our lives and, in the case of Amber Winn, come in the form of books. Although it may be happenstance that she found The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath, she’s grateful that a colleague suggested it for the SMPS Emerging Professionals Group (EPG) book club.

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