Karen Carr, Business Development Director of Boldt Construction, describes her process of starting from scratch with new perspectives and firm-wide buy-in.

Marketing and Business Development leadership will spend their time looking at six major factors in order to achieve a well-rounded, all-encompassing marketing program.

Technical professionals allow for marketing to really tackle the reception of each project by providing the detailed challenges, solutions, and benefits—simple, but tried and true.

Finance, human resource, management, and operations leaders are all major factors of a smooth marketing campaign. Understanding their roles in marketing objectives allows for firm-wide, ALL IN marketing to work on another level.

Design and construction are complex, multi-phased processes with constant particularities and jargon. Brush up and fact check your understanding.

Stephanie Ray, Corporate Director of Marketing for Sunrise Engineering, provides in-depth answers to our marketing questions and outlines a thorough process to strengthen her firm through marketing support and initiatives.

Through storytelling, presentations make an impact; through constructive meetings, support, and go-getter preparation, the presentation story will be seamless.

Whether it's creating a presentation or presenting at the interview itself, it's helpful to know some basic terms and smooth out the wrinkles.

Know your options! The presentation world comes with a robust number of applications and resources available to make your proposal interview shine. Create a promising physical presenation, and your proposal will shine.

As the experts who will work on the project first-hand, technical professionals are ideal candidates for proposal presenters. After a few tips and lots of rehearsal, stand with skill and confidence in front of the selection committee.

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