Case Study—Strategic Planning and Budgeting for Utah Architectural Firm

 AEC Budgeting Utah Architectural Firm 400x400  


After MARKETLINK assisted a long-time architectural client with establishing a marketing plan, the client was at a loss for how to establish a budget to meet the new goals and objectives. Having never used a written budget before, the firm did not have any guidelines for assigning appropriate categories and budget goals for these categories and was unaware of industry standards associated with budgeting based on firm revenue.


MARKETLINK helped create the associated categories for labor and expenses and worked with the firm’s accounting manager to gather historical data. After reviewing this past information, MARKETLINK assigned some additional approximate costs for other tools and resources necessary to implement the overarching marketing plan goals.


By implementing a simple plan to capture and track data, the architectural firm recognized it was not allocating enough labor and personnel resources to marketing tasks. By increasing face time with existing and potential clients, the firm has a much higher capture rate. The firm has increased their revenue by 15% each year for the last four years due to the shift in including more personnel in direct marketing tasks and objectives.


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