Case Study—Special Event Planning for Utah Architectural Firm

 AEC Event Planning Utah Architectual Firm  


A long-time architectural client was approaching their 20-year anniversary and turned to MARKETLINK to develop a yearlong campaign to honor the firm’s history, past and present team members, consultants, and clients. A planning session as held with firm leaders to identify goals and brainstorm ideas which resulted in a plan with objective and tasks. MARKETLINK helped firm leadership realize the importance of providing a branded experience that included all the activities and promotion for the whole year.


MARKETLINK created a theme and logo for the anniversary, as well as a promotional campaign that highlighted firm values and projects. The theme and campaign were integrated through website, marketing collateral, articles, sponsorship, client appreciation events, direct mail campaign, invitations, client gifts, employee gifts, and office branding. In addition, MARKETLINK organized three different events that included two open house events and an employee activity. The graphics and event planning for the gatherings were directed by the MARKETLINK team.


The suggestion by MARKETLINK to include existing and potential clients in the open house and direct mail campaign created opportunities for these individuals to meet the entire firm and spend quality time with them at the events. One real estate target who had been hard to reach in the past came to the event. Several project opportunities have since come the firm’s way.


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