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Working in marketing for the AEC industry, you have undoubtedly been confronted by – or are yourself considered – the grammar police. (You know who you are.) Want to avoid that embarrassing moment when one of your colleagues catches a subject-verb agreement error or a sentence fragment?


Grammarly to the rescue!


The app works like a grammar police scanner, picking up any mistakes in spelling, usage, and grammar before you hit “Save” or even “Send.” No more fretting over misspelled emails and texts at work. Available for Windows, Chrome, and Microsoft Office, this powerful app can double-check your cover letters or presentations, making sure all your communication looks good--and is grammatically correct.


Grammarly has a free version, Premium and Business versions are available for users who want to add some “oomph” to their writing. These upgrades look for inconsistencies, impoliteness, and even plagiarism.


Whether you’re looking to catch more than typos, watch for wordiness, or simply get those grammar police off your back, it’s time to get Grammarly.

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Our name says it all: we are your LINK to success in the AEC industry.